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August 23, 2022 |8.1K Views

Writing JSON to a File in Python

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In this video, we'll learn how to write a JSON file in Python

We will be covering the following in this video:
   1. Introduction to JSON
   2. How to Parse Simple JSON in Python
   3. Parse JSON file in Python
   4. Write Python Objects to JSON
   5. Write Python objects to JSON file

JSON is a very common form of data representation, we generally use this form of data representation in API responses and configuration data storage.

For all operations using JSON, we need to import a Python built-in module knows as "json".
We can load a Python dictionary object to JSON format using json.loads() function or, we can also load json from a .json file, using json.load() function. 

To write a JSON to a file, we can use json.dump() and have to pass the JSON data as the first parameter and the file handler object as the second parameter. This will update the file opened in writable mode with the JSON data.

Related Article: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/reading-and-writing-json-to-a-file-in-python/