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September 05, 2024 0

What is the difference between 'SAME' and 'VALID' padding in tf.nn.max_pool of tensorflow?

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Difference Between SAME and VALID Padding in tf.nn.max_pool of TensorFlow

In TensorFlow, the tf.nn.max_pool function is used to perform max pooling, a common operation in convolutional neural networks (CNNs) that reduces the spatial dimensions (width and height) of the input while retaining the most important features. One of the key parameters in max pooling is the padding strategy, which determines how the borders of the input are handled during pooling. TensorFlow offers two main types of padding: SAME and VALID. Understanding the differences between these padding methods is crucial for designing effective neural network architectures.

What is Max Pooling?

Max pooling is a down-sampling technique used in CNNs to reduce the dimensionality of feature maps while preserving important features. It operates by sliding a window (filter) over the input and taking the maximum value within the window for each position. This helps in reducing the number of parameters, preventing overfitting, and making the model more computationally efficient.

Padding in Max Pooling

Padding is the process of adding extra spaces (usually zeros) around the input data to control the size of the output. In the context of max pooling, padding affects the size of the resulting pooled feature map. The two padding options in TensorFlow, SAME and VALID, handle these borders differently:

SAME Padding: Pads the input so that the output size matches the input size when the stride is 1. If the filter does not fit perfectly into the input, SAME padding adds zeros evenly around the input to ensure the filter fits, allowing the filter to slide over all regions of the input.

VALID Padding: Does not pad the input at all, which means some pixels near the borders are left out if the filter does not fit perfectly. The output size will be smaller than the input size unless the filter size is 1.

SAME Padding

SAME padding is designed to keep the output size the same as the input size when the stride is 1. This is achieved by adding zeros evenly around the input, which allows the filter to cover every possible region, including the borders.

Characteristics of SAME Padding:

  • Output Size: The output dimensions are calculated as ⌈Input SizeStride⌉\lceil \frac{\text{Input Size}}{\text{Stride}} \rceil⌈StrideInput Size​⌉. This ensures that the output size can be equal to or slightly larger than the input size, depending on the stride and filter size.
  • Zero Padding: Zeros are added around the input to ensure that the filter can cover all parts of the input, including the edges. The amount of padding is adjusted so that the filter can slide over the full extent of the input data.
  • Use Case: SAME padding is useful when you want to preserve the spatial dimensions of the feature map, which can be beneficial in preserving spatial hierarchies in the data.


If you have an input of size 5x5 with a filter size of 2x2 and a stride of 2:

  • With SAME padding, the padding ensures that the filter covers the entire input, resulting in an output size of 3x3.

VALID Padding

VALID padding means no padding is added to the input. The filter only slides over valid positions where it fits entirely within the input dimensions. As a result, the output feature map is smaller than the input feature map.

Characteristics of VALID Padding:

  • Output Size: The output dimensions are calculated as ⌊Input Size−Filter SizeStride+1⌋\left\lfloor \frac{\text{Input Size} - \text{Filter Size}}{\text{Stride}} + 1 \right\rfloor⌊StrideInput Size−Filter Size​+1⌋. This means the output size will always be less than or equal to the input size, depending on the stride and filter size.
  • No Padding: Since no padding is applied, some regions near the borders of the input are not covered if the filter does not fit perfectly within the dimensions.
  • Use Case: VALID padding is often used when you want to reduce the size of the feature maps more aggressively or when preserving the exact size of the input is not necessary.


For an input of size 5x5 with a filter size of 2x2 and a stride of 2:

  • With VALID padding, the filter slides over positions where it fully fits, resulting in an output size of 2x2.

Key Differences Between SAME and VALID Padding

  • Output Size: SAME padding maintains the spatial dimensions when stride is 1, while VALID padding reduces the spatial dimensions.
  • Border Coverage: SAME padding ensures that all regions, including borders, are covered by the filter. VALID padding only covers positions where the filter completely fits within the input dimensions.
  • Padding Application: SAME adds zeros around the borders of the input; VALID does not add any padding.
  • Use Case: Use SAME padding when the preservation of spatial dimensions is crucial, and use VALID padding when you want to reduce the size of the feature map more aggressively.

Practical Implications

SAME Padding in Practice: SAME padding is commonly used in convolutional neural networks when you want to stack multiple layers without shrinking the spatial dimensions too much. This is particularly useful in deeper networks where maintaining the spatial hierarchy is important.

VALID Padding in Practice: VALID padding is used when the goal is to reduce the size of the feature maps, which can be helpful in reducing computational load and focusing on specific regions of the data. It is often used in early layers of CNNs where dimensionality reduction is desirable.

Performance: SAME padding can be slightly more computationally expensive due to the added padding operations. VALID padding, on the other hand, is more straightforward but may lead to losing some information near the borders of the input.

Best Practices

  • Model Architecture: Choose SAME padding if you need to maintain spatial dimensions across layers, which is useful in many CNN architectures. Choose VALID padding if reducing the size of the feature maps is necessary.
  • Experimentation: It is often beneficial to experiment with both padding types to see which yields better results for your specific application, as the impact of padding can vary based on the problem and data.


Understanding the differences between SAME and VALID padding in TensorFlow's tf.nn.max_pool function is crucial for designing efficient and effective neural network architectures. SAME padding allows for the preservation of spatial dimensions, which can be beneficial for deep learning models that require consistency across layers. VALID padding, on the other hand, is useful for reducing feature map sizes and focusing on central regions of the data. Choosing the right padding strategy can significantly impact the performance and accuracy of your models, making it an essential consideration in neural network design.

For more detailed information and examples, check out the full article: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/what-is-the-difference-between-same-and-valid-padding-in-tf-nn-max_pool-of-tensorflow/.