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September 26, 2024 |20 Views

Vector Space- Definition, Axioms, Properties and Examples

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Vector Space | Comprehensive Guide

A vector space (also called a linear space) is a fundamental concept in linear algebra, where vectors can be added together and multiplied by scalars to form new vectors. Vector spaces provide the framework for many areas of mathematics, physics, computer science, and engineering, and are essential for solving systems of equations, transforming data, and analyzing multidimensional spaces.

What is a Vector Space?

A vector space is a set of vectors that can be added together and multiplied by scalars (real or complex numbers), following certain rules. These operations must satisfy several properties, which define the structure of the vector space.

  • Elements of a vector space are called vectors, and the scalars are typically real or complex numbers.

Examples of vector spaces include:

  • The set of all two-dimensional vectors (e.g., vectors in a plane).
  • The set of all functions, which can be treated as vectors in function spaces.

Properties of Vector Spaces

For a set of vectors to be a vector space, it must satisfy the following properties:

Closure under Addition:

  • If you add any two vectors in the vector space, the result is also a vector in the same space.

Closure under Scalar Multiplication:

  • If you multiply a vector by a scalar, the resulting vector is still in the vector space.

Associative Property of Addition:

  • Vector addition is associative, meaning the grouping of vectors doesn’t affect the sum.

Commutative Property of Addition:

  • Vector addition is commutative, meaning the order of the vectors being added does not change the sum.

Distributive Property:

  • Scalar multiplication distributes over vector addition, meaning you can distribute a scalar over the sum of vectors.

Existence of a Zero Vector:

  • There is a zero vector in the space, and adding the zero vector to any vector leaves the vector unchanged.

Existence of Additive Inverses:

  • Every vector has an inverse (a negative vector) such that adding them together results in the zero vector.

Basis and Dimension of a Vector Space


  • A basis of a vector space is a set of linearly independent vectors that span the entire space. In simpler terms, it’s the minimal set of vectors needed to construct every other vector in the space by combining them using addition and scalar multiplication.


  • The dimension of a vector space is the number of vectors in its basis. For example, the vector space of two-dimensional vectors has a dimension of 2 because it requires two basis vectors to describe all the vectors in the plane.

Types of Vector Spaces

Finite-Dimensional Vector Space:

  • A vector space that has a finite number of basis vectors. For example, two-dimensional and three-dimensional vector spaces are finite-dimensional.

Infinite-Dimensional Vector Space:

  • A vector space that has an infinite number of basis vectors. An example is the space of all real-valued functions, which requires an infinite set of basis functions to describe all possible functions.


A subspace is a subset of a vector space that is also a vector space under the same operations. It satisfies the properties of closure under addition and scalar multiplication.

For example, in a three-dimensional space, the set of all vectors lying on a plane through the origin is a subspace of the larger space.

Applications of Vector Spaces

Linear Algebra:

  • Vector spaces are used in solving systems of linear equations and performing transformations such as rotations, scaling, and reflections in geometry.


  • In physics, vector spaces model forces, velocities, and other quantities that have both magnitude and direction. They are essential in mechanics, electromagnetism, and quantum mechanics.

Computer Science:

  • In computer graphics, vector spaces are used to represent 3D models, transformations, and lighting effects. Machine learning algorithms also rely heavily on vector spaces to represent data.

Economics and Social Sciences:

  • Vector spaces are used to model and analyze systems in economics, such as resource allocation, optimization problems, and decision-making.

Why Learn About Vector Spaces?

Vector spaces are a foundational concept in mathematics and other sciences, providing the tools to analyze, model, and solve problems in multidimensional spaces. Understanding vector spaces opens the door to exploring advanced topics such as linear transformations, eigenvalues, and machine learning.

Topics Covered:

Definition of Vector Space: Understanding what vector spaces are and their key properties.

Basis and Dimension: How basis vectors define the structure of a vector space and determine its dimension.

Applications: Uses in fields such as linear algebra, physics, computer science, and economics.

For more details and further examples, check out the full article on GeeksforGeeks: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/vector-space/.