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May 13, 2022 |176.6K Views

Types of Operating Systems

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An operating system is the resource manger of the computer system, whose responsibility is to manage all files, processes, tasks, memory, I/O resources, etc. Operating system is an interface between the user and computer’s hardware.

The main five types of operating systems are:
1) Batch Operating system
2) Time-Sharing operating system
3) Distributed operating system
4) Network operating system
5) Real-time operating system

1) Batch operating system: In batch operating system, users prepare their jobs (tasks) and submit them to an operator. That operator then form batches by grouping jobs with similar requirement into a batch and submit to the Batch operating system. Because of this system never remains idle and it can be shared by multiple users. Example: The payroll system

2) Time-sharing operating system: Time-sharing operating system allows sharing of CPU time among multiple tasks. This is also known as a Multi-tasking system. It allows multiple users to access the CPU at the same time. Every task is executed for a fixed amount of time known as time quantum before executing the next task. Example: Linux, and Unix

3) Distributed operating system: Distributed OS connects multiple computing systems through a common communication network. Each system in a distributed operating system consists of its own processor and memory. The system with Distributed OS is also known as a Loosely coupled system. Example: Locus and Solaris

4) Network operating system: The network operating system runs on a server machine. It allows multiple clients to access shared resources over a network. Each user knows about the configuration of all other users in the network. The system or clients connected to a server in this operating system are known as tightly coupled systems. Example: Mac OS X and Windows Server 2008

5) Real-Time operating system: Real-time operating systems are designed to perform real-time operations. These operating systems are useful for tasks that require a quick response. Real-time OS are of two types: Hard real-time OS(Slightest delay unacceptable) and Soft real-time OS(time deadlines are less strict). Example: Air traffic management, Missile launching system

Types of OS: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/types-of-operating-systems/