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April 28, 2022 |11.5K Views

Todo List Application | React Native


In this video tutorial, we will create a To-do List app by Using React Native and host that app on Firebase.

To-do List App is used to maintain our day-to-day tasks or list everything that we have to do, with the most important tasks at the top of the list, and the least important tasks at the bottom. It is helpful in planning our daily schedules. We can add more tasks at any time and delete a task that is completed or mark it as completed.

What is React Native?
It is a framework developed by Facebook for creating native-style apps for iOS & Android under one common language, JavaScript. Initially, Facebook only developed React Native to support iOS.

Firebase: It is a product of Google which helps developers to build, manage, and grow their apps easily. It helps developers to build their apps faster and in a more secure way. No programming is required on the firebase side which makes it easy to use its features more efficiently.


1) NodeJS
2) Android Studio
3) XCode(Mac)
4) Expo React Native

To create a To-do List app, first, we need to figure out the structure, and how many components we need to create. In this app we can also update the predefined task For a To-do List app, we will need an Input Filed, and a checkbox with the task text. We will create these custom components, we will also add a button to delete the individual task. In this app, we can also update the predefined task. For all of these, we will need a sound knowledge of Custom Components, Hooks, States, and Props. After creating the basics of the app we will host our To-do app on Firebase.

To get the most out of this course we will appreciate you doing the code with us, please just do not watch the video and guess the out.