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April 18, 2022 |35.6K Views

Infosys Pseudo Code Questions | Tips & Tricks to Solve

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PseudoCode is a flexible representation of an algorithm or code independent of language and they can be related to languages through logic and normal English words. In rounds of pseudocode, you will be given some sort of code that would be relatable and you have to sometimes predict the output or run the code according to the requirements question demands.

This contains some questions as an illustration, of what kind of questions are asked in that. And how you should approach those questions as you have to be really crisp in terms of time, where to use that when you are attempting it. By this, you would get an idea regarding what question requires what concept and in what manner we have to attend it so that you should have a clear idea regarding questions and should be able to manage and solve them in the Exam.

Infosys has many profiles and those profiles mostly require problem-solving and that would come from understanding and applying concepts regarding Data Structures. There are some topics that are being covered here with explanations and a dry run of each question.

Questions include concepts like bitwise and logical operators and questions regarding them including for loops, conditional statements, xor operators in respect or combination with each other. For eg: if you are solving a question of loops, that would be simple and a dry run would make you calculate the output with the involvement of some 3 to 4 variables. There would be a combination like the conditionals with operators and loops that would require a strong dry run technique and how to not get lost while making it.

It also contains function calling and some recursion related topics with passing arguments in functions that will be calling themselves and the base case is there. Here we have conditions like if-else where you will understand it if you dry run by yourself.

Some basic questions regarding linked list structure and the form in which it exists in data structures are also covered.

Related article: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/prepare-infosys-complete-guide/