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August 09, 2024 |20 Views

SQL Query to Check if Date is Greater Than Today in SQL

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SQL Query to Check if Date is Greater Than Today

Are you looking to write an SQL query that checks whether a given date is greater than today's date? This tutorial will guide you through the process of crafting such a query, which is commonly used in database operations to filter records based on date conditions. This task is perfect for students, professionals, and database administrators who want to enhance their SQL skills.


In SQL, comparing dates is a common operation, especially when working with time-sensitive data such as events, appointments, or deadlines. Checking if a date is greater than today's date allows you to filter out records that are set to occur in the future.

Key Steps in Writing the SQL Query

Here are the main steps to write an SQL query that checks if a date is greater than today:

Understanding the Date Functions: Most SQL databases provide functions to retrieve the current date and compare it with other dates.

Writing the SQL Query: Craft the query using the appropriate date function and comparison operator.

SQL Query Example

To check if a date stored in a column (e.g., event_date) is greater than today's date, you can use a query like the following:


Copy code

SELECT * FROM your_table_name WHERE event_date > CURRENT_DATE;


  • CURRENT_DATE: This function returns the current date (without the time) based on the server's date settings.
  • event_date > CURRENT_DATE: This condition checks whether the event_date is greater than today.

Database-Specific Variations

Different SQL databases might have slightly different functions to get the current date:

  • PostgreSQL: Use CURRENT_DATE.
  • SQL Server: Use GETDATE() but you might need to strip the time portion if you're only comparing dates.
  • Oracle: Use SYSDATE.

Enhancing the Query

To make the query more robust, consider the following enhancements:

  • Time Consideration: If you're dealing with DATETIME or TIMESTAMP types, ensure you're only comparing the date portion.
  • Timezone Handling: Be aware of timezone differences when working with dates, especially in distributed systems.


By following these steps, you can create a query to efficiently check if a date is greater than today's date. This is a fundamental SQL operation useful in many applications, from filtering future events to enforcing deadlines.

Crafting SQL queries to compare dates is an essential skill for database management and application development. Whether you're a student learning SQL or a professional working with databases, mastering date comparisons will enhance your ability to work with time-sensitive data.

For a detailed step-by-step guide, check out the full article: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/sql-query-to-check-if-date-is-greater-than-today-in-sql/.