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August 07, 2024 |260 Views

SQL Injection

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SQL Injection

Are you interested in understanding SQL Injection and how to prevent it? This tutorial will guide you through the concept of SQL Injection, how it works, and the best practices to protect your applications from such vulnerabilities. This topic is crucial for developers, security professionals, and anyone involved in web development and database management.

Introduction to SQL Injection

SQL Injection is a type of cyber attack where an attacker exploits vulnerabilities in an application's software by injecting malicious SQL queries into input fields. This attack can result in unauthorized access to a database, allowing attackers to retrieve, modify, or delete data.

How SQL Injection Works

SQL Injection typically occurs when user input is not properly sanitized or validated. Attackers can manipulate the input to execute arbitrary SQL commands on the database. Here are the common steps involved in an SQL Injection attack:

  1. Finding a Vulnerable Input Field: Attackers identify input fields in web applications that interact with the database, such as login forms, search fields, or any user data submission forms.
  2. Injecting Malicious SQL Code: Attackers craft and input malicious SQL statements into the vulnerable fields.
  3. Executing Malicious SQL Code: The application processes the input and executes the SQL query, including the injected code, on the database.

Types of SQL Injection Attacks

  1. Classic SQL Injection: Basic form where attackers insert malicious SQL statements directly into user input fields.
  2. Blind SQL Injection: Attackers infer information about the database without directly seeing the results of the SQL queries.
  3. Error-Based SQL Injection: Attackers use error messages generated by the database to gather information about the database structure.
  4. Union-Based SQL Injection: Attackers use the UNION SQL operator to combine the results of two or more queries, retrieving additional data.

Examples of SQL Injection Attacks

Classic SQL Injection: Consider a login form where a user enters their username and password. If the input is not properly sanitized, an attacker could input something like:

This could modify the SQL query to:

This query always returns true, allowing the attacker to bypass authentication.

Union-Based SQL Injection: In a search form, an attacker could input:

This could append a new query to the existing one, potentially exposing sensitive data.

Preventing SQL Injection

  1. Use Prepared Statements (Parameterized Queries): Ensure that SQL queries are parameterized, which separates SQL logic from user input.
  2. Use Stored Procedures: Encapsulate SQL queries in stored procedures that execute on the database server, providing an additional layer of security.
  3. Input Validation and Sanitization: Validate and sanitize all user inputs to ensure they conform to expected formats and data types.
  4. Escaping User Inputs: Properly escape special characters in user inputs to prevent them from being interpreted as SQL commands.
  5. Least Privilege Principle: Limit database user permissions to only what is necessary for the application to function, reducing the potential impact of an SQL Injection attack.


Understanding and preventing SQL Injection is essential for maintaining the security and integrity of web applications. By following best practices such as using prepared statements, stored procedures, and validating user inputs, developers can protect their applications from these types of attacks.

SQL Injection is a critical security concern that requires attention and vigilance. Whether you are a developer, security professional, or involved in database management, this tutorial provides valuable insights into preventing SQL Injection attacks.

For a detailed step-by-step guide, check out the full article: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/sql-injection/.