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August 26, 2024 |130 Views

Sending objects over socket

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G-Fact 150 | Sending Objects Over Socket in Python

Sending Objects Over Socket in Python

In this article, we will explore how to send objects over a network using sockets in Python. Sending objects, such as custom data structures or complex data types, requires serialization to convert them into a format suitable for transmission over a socket.

Why Send Objects Over a Socket?

Sending objects over a socket allows for:

  • Remote Communication: Transmit structured data between devices or applications.
  • Distributed Systems: Share complex data across nodes in distributed systems.
  • Client-Server Models: Implement more sophisticated client-server interactions by exchanging custom objects.

Key Concepts


  1. Definition: Serialization is the process of converting an object into a byte stream, which can be sent over a network. In Python, this is typically done using the pickle module.


  1. Definition: Deserialization is the reverse process of converting a byte stream back into a Python object.

Tools and Libraries

  1. Socket Library: The built-in Python library for socket programming.
  2. Pickle Library: A Python module used for serializing and deserializing objects.

Practical Example

Steps to Send Objects Over a Socket

Serialize the Object:

  • Use the pickle module to convert the object into a byte stream.

Establish a Socket Connection:

  • Set up a socket connection between the client and server.

Send the Serialized Object:

  • Transmit the serialized object over the socket.

Receive and Deserialize the Object:

  • On the receiving end, deserialize the byte stream back into the original object using pickle.

Practical Example Steps

Server Setup:

  • The server listens for incoming connections and receives serialized objects.

Client Setup:

  • The client connects to the server, serializes an object using pickle, and sends it over the socket.

Data Transfer:

  • The serialized object is sent as bytes, and the server deserializes it back into a Python object.

Example Use Cases

  • Sending Configuration Data: Transmit configuration settings as objects between devices.
  • Distributed Computing: Share tasks and data structures across nodes in a distributed system.
  • Inter-Process Communication (IPC): Exchange complex data structures between processes running on different machines.

Practical Applications

  • Client-Server Applications: Implement applications where structured data (like dictionaries, lists, or custom classes) is exchanged between clients and servers.
  • Remote Procedure Calls (RPC): Use serialized objects to pass parameters and receive results in remote method invocations.
  • IoT Applications: Send sensor data as objects from edge devices to a central server.