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September 23, 2022 |3.0K Views

Scatter Plot in Matplotlib


In this video, we will learn how to do Scatter plot in matplotlib using Python

Matplotlib is a very well-know Python 3rd party module to deal with different types of plots. We can also plot scatter plots using this library. Scatter plots are generally useful to find relationship between continuous data points. We can perform multiple customizations on scatter plots to better visualize the data plots. 

For example, based on a category, we can color a set of data points with a particular color. We can use pyplot module from matplotlib library to plot a scatter plot using pyplot.scatter(). 

There are many different parameters that we can customize in a scatter plot. In this video, we have only covered few, for example c, linewidth, market, edgecolor, s.

Scatter plot in matplotlib: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/matplotlib-pyplot-scatter-in-python/