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August 20, 2024 |10 Views

ReactJS Calculator App (Styling)


ReactJS Calculator App - Styling

Building a calculator app using ReactJS is a perfect project for practicing component-based architecture and understanding how to handle user input, state management, and logic. Once you have the basic functionality in place, styling your calculator is the next critical step in making it visually appealing and user-friendly.

Project Overview

The ReactJS calculator app allows users to perform basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The app is divided into components like the display screen, number buttons, and operation buttons. The goal is to apply styling that enhances usability and aligns with modern design practices.

Key Styling Concepts Covered

  • CSS Flexbox/Grid: Learn how to layout the calculator buttons and screen using CSS Flexbox or Grid for a responsive design.
  • Customizing Components: Style React components individually to give each button, the display, and the overall container a distinct look and feel.
  • Responsive Design: Ensure that the calculator looks great on various screen sizes, from mobile devices to desktops.
  • Hover and Active States: Add visual feedback when buttons are clicked or hovered over for an interactive user experience.
  • Modern UI Design Principles: Apply principles like consistency, spacing, and color theory to create a clean, professional look.

Steps to Style the Calculator App

Set Up the Project Layout:

  • Structure the components in a way that allows for easy styling. Typically, your project might have components like Display, Button, and ButtonPanel.

Design the Calculator Container:

  • Create a container that holds the entire calculator. Use CSS to center the calculator on the screen and give it a fixed size for a consistent layout.

Style the Display Screen:

  • The display should have a clear font, with sufficient padding and a background color that contrasts well with the button colors.
  • Use larger font sizes for numbers and operations, making the information easily readable.

Layout the Buttons using CSS Grid or Flexbox:

  • Arrange the buttons in a grid format, where each row represents a different set of operations or numbers.
  • Ensure equal spacing between buttons for a balanced design.

Apply Custom Styles to Buttons:

  • Use rounded corners, shadows, and gradients to give the buttons a more modern look.
  • Differentiate between number buttons and operation buttons with distinct colors and styles.

Add Interactivity and Transitions:

  • Use CSS transitions to create smooth effects when hovering over or clicking buttons.
  • Provide visual feedback, such as changing the button’s background color when it’s pressed.

Make the Design Responsive:

  • Use media queries to adjust the layout for smaller screens. For example, reduce padding or rearrange the buttons for better usability on mobile devices.

Incorporate a Color Scheme:

  • Choose a consistent color scheme for the calculator, possibly using a combination of light and dark tones to improve visibility and aesthetics.

Additional Design Enhancements

  • Dark Mode Toggle: Implement a dark mode option for users who prefer a darker interface.
  • 3D Button Effect: Add a subtle shadow beneath the buttons to create a 3D effect, making the buttons feel more interactive.
  • Typography: Use clear and legible fonts that match the overall design theme.

Applications and Extensions

Once you’ve styled your calculator, consider adding advanced features like:

  • Scientific Calculator Mode: Include more complex operations such as square roots, trigonometric functions, or logarithms.
  • Theming Options: Allow users to switch between different color themes, enhancing customization.
  • Animations: Integrate subtle animations to make interactions feel smoother and more polished.


Styling a ReactJS calculator app is an excellent way to combine functionality with design. By focusing on layout, color schemes, and responsive design, you can transform a basic calculator into a polished, professional-looking application. Mastering these design techniques will not only improve your React projects but also enhance your overall UI/UX design skills.

For a detailed step-by-step guide, check out the full article: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/reactjs-calculator-app-styling/.