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October 08, 2024 |40 Views

React Lifecycle


ReactJS Lifecycle of Components | Comprehensive Guide

In React, every component has a lifecycle, which can be divided into three phases: Mounting, Updating, and Unmounting. During these phases, React provides lifecycle methods that allow developers to execute code at specific points during a component's lifecycle. These lifecycle methods are particularly useful for handling tasks like fetching data, setting up subscriptions, and cleaning up resources.

What is a Component Lifecycle in React?

A component lifecycle refers to the series of methods that are invoked at different stages of a component's existence. React allows you to hook into these stages to run specific code when a component is created, updated, or removed from the DOM.

There are three main phases of a React component's lifecycle:

  1. Mounting: The phase when the component is being inserted into the DOM.
  2. Updating: The phase when the component is being re-rendered due to changes in props or state.
  3. Unmounting: The phase when the component is being removed from the DOM.

Lifecycle Phases

1. Mounting

The Mounting phase occurs when a component is first initialized and added to the DOM. The following lifecycle methods are called in this phase:

  • constructor(): Initializes the component's state and binds methods.
  • getDerivedStateFromProps(): Updates the state before rendering based on the props received.
  • render(): Responsible for rendering the JSX to the DOM.
  • componentDidMount(): Invoked once, immediately after the component is mounted. It’s a great place to perform side effects like data fetching or setting up subscriptions.

2. Updating

The Updating phase occurs when a component’s state or props change, causing the component to re-render. The lifecycle methods in this phase include:

  • getDerivedStateFromProps(): Updates the state based on the props, invoked before every re-render.
  • shouldComponentUpdate(): Determines whether the component should re-render in response to state or prop changes. It returns a boolean (true or false).
  • render(): Re-renders the component based on the updated state or props.
  • getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(): Allows capturing information (e.g., scroll position) before the DOM is updated.
  • componentDidUpdate(): Called after the component updates, often used to perform side effects such as updating external data or triggering additional renders.

3. Unmounting

The Unmounting phase occurs when the component is about to be removed from the DOM. The only lifecycle method in this phase is:

  • componentWillUnmount(): Called right before the component is unmounted and destroyed. It is useful for cleaning up resources like timers or subscriptions.

Detailed Breakdown of Key Lifecycle Methods


  • The constructor is used to initialize the component’s state and bind event handlers. It is called before the component is rendered.


  • The render method is required in every React component. It returns the JSX that defines the component’s UI. It is pure, meaning it does not modify state or interact with the DOM directly.


  • This method is called immediately after the component is added to the DOM. It’s an ideal place to perform side effects like fetching data from an API or setting up event listeners.


  • This method is used to optimize performance by preventing unnecessary re-renders. It compares the current props and state with the next props and state, and returns true or false based on whether the component should update.


  • Called after the component re-renders due to prop or state changes. It is a good place to perform tasks like interacting with the DOM or updating external resources that depend on the component’s updated state.


  • This method is called just before a component is removed from the DOM. It’s often used for cleanup tasks, such as removing event listeners or cancelling network requests to avoid memory leaks.

Example of Component Lifecycle Usage

When building a React component that fetches data from an API, you might use lifecycle methods to initiate the fetch when the component mounts, and clean up any subscriptions when the component unmounts. Additionally, you might use componentDidUpdate() to refetch data if certain props change.

React Lifecycle Methods in Functional Components

With the introduction of React Hooks, functional components can now mimic class component lifecycle methods. The useEffect Hook can be used to handle mounting, updating, and unmounting behavior in functional components. It acts as a replacement for lifecycle methods like componentDidMount(), componentDidUpdate(), and componentWillUnmount().

Common Use Cases for Lifecycle Methods

Fetching Data:

  • Use componentDidMount() to fetch data after the component is mounted and update the state with the response.

Event Listeners:

  • Set up event listeners in componentDidMount() and remove them in componentWillUnmount() to prevent memory leaks.

Optimizing Performance:

  • Use shouldComponentUpdate() to prevent unnecessary re-renders and improve the performance of the application.

Animating Components:

  • You can start animations or trigger transitions when a component is mounted or updated, using methods like componentDidMount() or componentDidUpdate().

Benefits of Understanding Component Lifecycle

Efficient Resource Management:

  • Knowing when to set up or clean up resources (e.g., subscriptions, event listeners) ensures that your components don't leak memory and perform optimally.

Control Over Component Rendering:

  • By using methods like shouldComponentUpdate(), you can control when a component re-renders, improving application performance.

Better Component Design:

  • Understanding the lifecycle of a component helps you structure your component logic effectively, ensuring that state updates and side effects are managed in the right phase.

Why Learn the Component Lifecycle?

Mastering the React Component Lifecycle is crucial for building efficient and scalable React applications. Lifecycle methods provide fine-grained control over when and how components update and render, allowing you to optimize performance, handle side effects, and manage resources effectively. With the shift to functional components and Hooks, knowing the lifecycle methods will also help you transition smoothly to using React Hooks like useEffect.

Topics Covered:

Phases of the Component Lifecycle: Mounting, updating, and unmounting.

Key Lifecycle Methods: constructor(), render(), componentDidMount(), shouldComponentUpdate(), componentWillUnmount().

Practical Use Cases: Data fetching, event listeners, performance optimizations.

For more details and further examples, check out the full article on GeeksforGeeks: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/reactjs-lifecycle-components/.