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August 17, 2022 |580 Views

Python program to to Get last N elements from given list


In this video, we will see how to write a python program to get last N elements from given list

Below is the list of approaches that we will cover in this section: 

1. Get last N elements from given list using list slicing method 
2. Get last N elements from given list using islice() + reverse() function 

To get the last N element from the list we can use list slicing to access a range of elements in a list. We can achieve this by using the simple slicing operator i.e. colon(:). With this operator, one can specify where to start the slicing, where to end, and specify the step. List slicing returns a new list from the existing list. 

The another method is islice() function that can be used to get the sliced list and reverse() function is used to get the elements from rear end.

Python program to get last n elements from given list: