To multiply all the elements in a list, we take a well defined list consisting of integer/float only values from the user. As there is no in-built function to do this like sum, we can do it using multiple approaches, either by making it calculate or use methods from myriad libraries available.
Method 1: Using user defined functions
We take an array and pass/initialize it in the function, set a counter to 1 and keep on multiplying it with each element inside the iterable.
Method 2: Using NumPy library
NumPy offers a set of functions useful in performing mathematics in Python. It has a product method that we can use to store the product of the list
Method 3: Using Math library
Similar to NumPy, Math library also offers a product function which does exactly the same work as the NumPy library. However, the NumPy library can be to perform different operations and manipulations which the math library is not capable of.
Method 4: Using Reduce + mul
Reduce takes on an iterator as an argument and passes the mul function ( from operator library) also an argument to reduce the list of multiple elements into a single desired answer as product.
Python program to multiply numbers in a list: