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June 06, 2022 |70.6K Views

Python Program to Find the Factorial of a Number

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In this video, we are going to see multiple methods to get the factor of the given integers using Python. Factorial is a multiplication of the all-natural number lesser than or equal to n.

These are the following approaches to solve this problem:
1) Using Iterative
2) Using Recursive
3) Using Ternary Operators
4) Using In-built function

When we will use these approaches:

1) Iterative approaches are usually a bit faster than recursive.
2) Recursive functions are easy to implement and take less time to Code
3) Ternary operators give us the one-liner solution.
4) While participating in competitive coding, to save time we can use an inbuilt factorial function from the math module.

Python Program for Factorial of a Number: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/python-program-for-factorial-of-a-number/