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June 29, 2024 |560 Views

PROBLEM OF THE DAY : 28/06/2024 | The Palindrome Pattern


Welcome to the daily solving of our PROBLEM OF THE DAY with Ayush Tripathi. We will discuss the entire problem step-by-step and work towards developing an optimized solution. This will not only help you brush up on your concepts of Matrix but also build up problem-solving skills.

Given a two-dimensional integer array arr of dimensions n x n, consisting solely of zeros and ones, identify the row or column (using 0-based indexing) where all elements form a palindrome. If multiple palindromes are identified, prioritize the palindromes found in rows over those in columns. Within rows or columns, the palindrome with the smaller index takes precedence. The result should be represented by the index followed by either 'R' or 'C', indicating whether the palindrome was located in a row or column. The output should be space-separated. If no palindrome is found, return the string -1.


arr[][] =  [[1, 0, 0], 
           [0, 1, 0],
           [1, 1, 0]]
Output: 1 R
Explanation: In the first test case, 0-1-0 is a palindrome occuring in a row having index 1.

Give the problem a try before going through the video. All the best!!!
Problem Link: https://practice.geeksforgeeks.org/problems/the-palindrome-pattern3900/1