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July 17, 2024 |2.5K Views

Longest consecutive sequence in Binary tree

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Given a Binary Tree find the length of the longest path which comprises of nodes with consecutive values in increasing order. Every node is considered as a path of length 1.

We can solve above problem recursively. At each node we need information of its parent node, if current node has value one more than its parent node then it makes a consecutive path, at each node we will compare node’s value with its parent value and update the longest consecutive path accordingly. 

For getting the value of parent node, we will pass the (node_value + 1) as an argument to the recursive method and compare the node value with this argument value, if satisfies, update the current length of consecutive path otherwise reinitialize current path length by 1.

Longest consecutive sequence in Binary tree: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/longest-consecutive-sequence-binary-tree/