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October 07, 2022 |1.6K Views

Java Program to traverse through a HashMap

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In this video, we will write a Java program to traverse through a HashMap in Java. 

We have discussed 3 different approaches as follows: 

1. Using forEach 
2. Using for loop 
3. Using Iterator 

Using forEach: In this method, we define a a hash map. Then we use the forEach method of hashmap to iterate on the entries. On each iteration we print the key and value pair. 

Using for loop: In this method, we iterate on the hashmap and we store each element as a Map.Entry element. Then we get the key and the value of each entry using getKey() and getValue() methods respectively. 

Using Iterator: In this method, we get an iterator of the entry set from the hashmap, using entrySet().iterator() method on hashmap variable. Then, we iterate using a while loop, till the iterator is exhausted. In each iteration, we get the value of an Entry using .next() method on the iterator.

Traverse through a hashmap in Java: