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June 08, 2022 |1.0K Views

Java Program to Print the Sum of First 'n' Natural Numbers


In this video, we will see a JAVA program for sum of first n natural numbers.

1. Input : n = 4
Output : 10
Explanation :
Note that: 1 + 2 + 3+4 = 10

2.Input : 6
Output : 21
Explanation :
Note that: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 +6 = 21

In this video we see two different approaches for Sum of first n natural numbers in Java:
1. Using Loop
Method 1: Using For loop
Method 2: Using While loop
2. Using Mathematical formula: [ Sum of first n natural numbers = (n*(n+1))/2]

Program to find the sum of first n natural numbers: