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September 07, 2021 |4.2K Views

Importance of DSA (Data Structures & Algorithms)


Undoubtedly, Data Structures and Algorithms are one of the core skills of the programming world. You can understand this with the fact that almost every tech giant including Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and many others asks various questions based on Data Structures and Algorithms in their interview process and focus very much on the candidates' DSA skills. It not only allows the recruiters to assess your technical skills but also assists them to identify and evaluate your problem-solving skills. But the question that often arises in a majority of the individuals' minds is why DSA is that much important? So, in this video, we're going to discuss why Data Structures and Algorithms are quite important to learn with the help of real-world examples and along with resolving various other concerns like why big tech giants emphasize on Data Structures and Algorithms, etc. in a detailed manner.

Importance of DSA (Data Structures & Algorithms) : https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/why-data-structures-and-algorithms-are-important-to-learn/