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October 20, 2022 |1.5K Views

How to import Excel data in Tableau

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How to import Excel data in Tableau

Tableau is a very important and powerful tool for Data Analysis and Visualization. It can be used to create interactive and well-defined graphs and reports without a single line of code. Data Scientist and Analyst use this to clean, organize and visualize the dataset. 

It is a secure and helpful tool to show insights from the data that can be used to drive your action in the future.

Excel Data is any dataset that is available online, in your device or collected by surveying people. The format used by these documents is .xlsx. The dataset is arranged in tabular form, it has rows which contain records and columns which contain features.

Tableau can be used to analyze and understand the Excel dataset. This will help to mind-map what analysis we can do over the dataset.

So in this video, we will be discussing how to import excel data in tableau.

Import excel file in tableau : https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/import-excel-file-in-tableau