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September 06, 2024 |40 Views

How to Implement Circular ProgressBar in Android?

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How to Implement Circular ProgressBar in Android

A Circular ProgressBar is a UI component in Android that visually represents the progress of a task in a circular format. It’s commonly used in apps to indicate loading, downloading, or any ongoing process, providing a more engaging and intuitive user experience compared to traditional horizontal progress bars. Implementing a Circular ProgressBar in Android involves designing the UI, managing the progress updates, and customizing the appearance to fit the app's design.

Why Use a Circular ProgressBar?

  • User Engagement: Circular ProgressBars are visually appealing and can keep users engaged while waiting for a process to complete.
  • Space Efficiency: They utilize space more efficiently, making them ideal for mobile interfaces where screen real estate is limited.
  • Customization: Circular ProgressBars can be easily customized in terms of size, color, thickness, and animation, allowing for a consistent look and feel within the app.

Key Components of a Circular ProgressBar

  1. XML Layout: Defines the basic structure and appearance of the Circular ProgressBar, including size, style, and initial attributes.
  2. Java/Kotlin Code: Handles the logic for updating the progress dynamically, managing visibility, and setting up event listeners if needed.
  3. Customization: Involves modifying the default look with custom colors, thickness, or animations to match the app's theme.

Steps to Implement a Circular ProgressBar in Android

Step 1: Setting Up the Android Project

Start by creating a new Android project or opening an existing one in Android Studio. Ensure that you have the latest SDK and libraries installed to avoid compatibility issues.

Step 2: Add Circular ProgressBar to XML Layout

In your layout XML file, you can use the built-in ProgressBar element with the style attribute set to Widget.MaterialComponents.CircularProgressIndicator. This will give you a default circular progress indicator.



<ProgressBar    android:id="@+id/circularProgressBar"    style="?android:attr/progressBarStyleHorizontal"    android:layout_width="wrap_content"    android:layout_height="wrap_content"    android:indeterminate="true"    android:progressDrawable="@drawable/circular_progress_drawable" />

Step 3: Customizing the Circular ProgressBar

To create a truly circular appearance and customize it further, you might need to define a drawable resource for the progress bar. This drawable can specify attributes like color, shape, and progress animation.

For customization, create a drawable resource file (e.g., circular_progress_drawable.xml) in the res/drawable directory:


<layer-list xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">    <item android:id="@android:id/background">        <shape android:shape="ring"            android:innerRadiusRatio="3"            android:thicknessRatio="8"            android:useLevel="false">            <solid android:color="#E0E0E0" />        </shape>    </item>    <item android:id="@android:id/secondaryProgress">        <rotate            android:fromDegrees="270"            android:pivotX="50%"            android:pivotY="50%">            <shape android:shape="ring"                android:innerRadiusRatio="3"                android:thicknessRatio="8"                android:useLevel="true">                <solid android:color="#FF5722" />            </shape>        </rotate>    </item> </layer-list>

This example shows a basic customization with a background color and a secondary progress indicator with rotation.

Step 4: Handling Progress Updates in Java/Kotlin

In your activity or fragment, you need to handle progress updates programmatically. This involves obtaining a reference to your ProgressBar from the layout and updating its progress as required.

Example in Java:


ProgressBar circularProgressBar = findViewById(R.id.circularProgressBar); // Example of setting the progress circularProgressBar.setProgress(50); // Sets progress to 50%

Example in Kotlin:


val circularProgressBar = findViewById<ProgressBar>(R.id.circularProgressBar) // Example of setting the progress circularProgressBar.progress = 50 // Sets progress to 50%

Step 5: Animating the Progress

For a smoother user experience, you can animate the progress changes. This can be achieved using ObjectAnimator to gradually update the progress value.

Example in Java:


ObjectAnimator animation = ObjectAnimator.ofInt(circularProgressBar, "progress", 0, 100); animation.setDuration(2000); // Duration in milliseconds animation.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator()); animation.start();

Example in Kotlin:


ObjectAnimator.ofInt(circularProgressBar, "progress", 0, 100).apply {    duration = 2000    interpolator = DecelerateInterpolator()    start() }

Advanced Customizations

  • Color Customization: Change the progress color dynamically using code or XML attributes to match the app theme.
  • Thickness Adjustment: Modify the thickness of the circular track and progress indicator to make it more prominent or subtle.
  • Text Indicators: Overlay text, such as percentages or time remaining, within the circular progress bar to provide additional context to the user.

Use Cases of Circular ProgressBars

  • Loading Screens: Indicate that a task, such as data loading or processing, is in progress.
  • Fitness Apps: Display progress towards a daily goal, such as steps taken or calories burned.
  • Download Managers: Show the download progress of files, offering users a clear visual cue of how much is left to complete.

Best Practices

  • Avoid Overuse: While Circular ProgressBars are visually appealing, overuse can clutter the UI. Use them judiciously where visual feedback is essential.
  • Consistency: Ensure the design and behavior of progress indicators are consistent throughout the app to provide a coherent user experience.
  • Accessibility: Consider accessibility guidelines, such as providing alternative text or progress updates for screen readers, to make the app more inclusive.


Implementing a Circular ProgressBar in Android can greatly enhance the user experience by providing a visually appealing and informative indication of progress. With customization options in Android, you can tailor the progress bar to fit your app's design and functional requirements. Whether it’s for loading data, tracking goals, or indicating task progress, Circular ProgressBars offer an efficient way to keep users informed and engaged.

For a more detailed guide and additional examples, check out the full article: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/how-to-implement-circular-progressbar-in-android/.