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October 31, 2022 |1.0K Views

How to Create an Effective Bar Chart in Tableau

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Create an Effective Bar Chart in Tableau

In this video, we will be using tableau to create a bar chart. 
Tableau is a very important and powerful tool for Data Analysis and Visualization. It can be used to create interactive and well-defined graphs and reports without a single line of code. Data Scientists and Analysts use this to clean, organize and visualize the dataset. 

It is a secure and helpful tool to show insights from the data that can be used to drive your action in the future.

Bar graphs are simple and easy-to-understand data visualizations form that consists of rectangular bars. It takes 2 parameters which go on two axes i.e. X and Y axis. So to make bar graphs, at least one dimension and one measure are required. 

It can also be used for more than one measure, for that we can use a double bar graph or a Stacked bar graph.

To make it more visual, we can use different colours, legends, axes - labels, etc. While creating bar graphs in Tableau, we can use Filters, groupby, aggregate functions, etc.

We can also extract the bar graph of the top 10 measures in tableau with just some simple clicks.

Bar chart in Tableau : https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/side-by-side-bars-in-tableau/