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September 06, 2024 |60 Views

How to Create a Splash Screen in Android using Kotlin?

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How to Create a Splash Screen in Android Using Kotlin

A splash screen is the first screen that users see when they launch an Android application. It typically displays the app logo or a loading animation while the app initializes in the background. A well-designed splash screen provides a smooth and polished first impression of your app, setting the tone for the overall user experience. Creating a splash screen in Android using Kotlin is straightforward and involves setting up the initial display before the main content of the app loads. This guide will walk you through the steps to create a splash screen using Kotlin in Android.

What is a Splash Screen?

A splash screen is a brief introductory screen that appears when an app is launched. It is used to improve the user experience by showing the app’s branding, animations, or other relevant content while the app loads. Although a splash screen should not be used to artificially delay the app's start, it can be useful for setting up initial resources, loading data, or showing a branded introduction.

Benefits of Using a Splash Screen

  • Branding: Provides an opportunity to showcase the app’s logo or other branding elements, creating a memorable visual impression.
  • User Engagement: Enhances user experience by giving the impression of a smooth and polished app launch.
  • Preloading Resources: Allows the app to perform initial loading tasks, such as fetching data or preparing the user interface, without showing a blank screen.
  • Transition to Main Content: Provides a controlled transition from the app launch to the main content, ensuring a seamless experience.

Steps to Create a Splash Screen in Android Using Kotlin

Step 1: Set Up Your Android Project

Before creating the splash screen, ensure that your Android project is properly set up in Android Studio. Create a new project or use an existing one, ensuring it supports Kotlin.

  1. Open Android Studio.
  2. Create a new project by selecting "New Project" and choosing an appropriate template.
  3. Ensure that the project is configured to use Kotlin as the primary language.

Step 2: Design the Splash Screen Layout

The splash screen layout typically includes the app logo, a background color or image, and possibly some text or animation. The layout is defined using XML in Android.

Create a New Layout File:

  • Navigate to res/layout in your project.
  • Right-click and select New > Layout Resource File.
  • Name the file activity_splash.xml.

Define the Layout:

  • Use a ConstraintLayout or RelativeLayout to center the content.
  • Add an ImageView for the logo and style it appropriately.

Example Layout Structure:

  • An ImageView for the logo, centered in the layout.
  • A background color or gradient to enhance the visual appeal.

Step 3: Create the Splash Screen Activity

Next, create an activity that will serve as the splash screen. This activity will display the splash screen layout and handle the transition to the main activity.

Create a New Activity:

  • In the project directory, navigate to the java folder.
  • Right-click on your package and select New > Activity > Empty Activity.
  • Name the activity SplashActivity.

Set Up the Splash Activity:

  • In SplashActivity.kt, set the content view to the splash screen layout.
  • Use a handler or a coroutine to delay the splash screen for a short period, typically 2-3 seconds.
  • After the delay, start the main activity and finish the splash screen activity to prevent it from showing again when the back button is pressed.

Example of Key Code Elements:

  • Setting the Layout: Use setContentView(R.layout.activity_splash) to set the splash layout.
  • Delayed Transition: Use Handler or LifecycleScope to delay the transition to the main activity.
  • Starting the Main Activity: Use startActivity(Intent(this, MainActivity::class.java)) to launch the main screen.

Step 4: Configure the Manifest File

Ensure that the splash screen activity is properly configured in the AndroidManifest.xml file.

Add the Splash Activity:

  • In AndroidManifest.xml, add the SplashActivity entry within the <application> tag.
  • Set the splash screen as the launcher activity by adding the <intent-filter> with MAIN and LAUNCHER actions.

Hide the Action Bar:

  • For a cleaner look, hide the action bar in the splash activity. This can be done by setting android:theme="@style/Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar" in the manifest entry for the splash activity.

Step 5: Test and Optimize

Finally, test the splash screen on different devices to ensure it appears correctly and transitions smoothly to the main activity.

  • Test for Performance: Ensure the splash screen does not introduce unnecessary delays. The splash duration should be just long enough for essential setup tasks.
  • Handle Edge Cases: Ensure the splash screen behaves correctly if the app is minimized or interrupted during launch.

Best Practices for Splash Screens

  • Keep It Brief: The splash screen should not delay the app launch unnecessarily. Keep the duration short and use it only for essential loading tasks.
  • Brand Consistency: Use your brand’s colors, logo, and design elements to create a cohesive experience.
  • Avoid Overuse: Do not use a splash screen to simply display branding for long durations. It should have a functional purpose, such as loading resources.
  • Smooth Transitions: Ensure the transition from the splash screen to the main content is smooth, without any noticeable lag or abrupt changes.


Creating a splash screen in Android using Kotlin is a straightforward process that involves designing a layout, setting up a dedicated activity, and managing transitions to the main content of your app. A well-implemented splash screen enhances the user experience by providing a polished introduction to your app. By following the steps outlined above, you can create an effective splash screen that improves user engagement and sets a positive tone for the rest of your application.

For a more detailed guide and additional examples, check out the full article: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/how-to-create-a-splash-screen-in-android-using-kotlin/.