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May 27, 2024 |2.6K Views

Getting started with Regular Expressions | Natural Language Processing

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Explore how to write regular expressions with our comprehensive video. This guide is perfect for programmers, data analysts, and anyone interested in mastering regular expressions (regex) for text processing and pattern matching.

Understanding How to Write Regular Expressions

Introduction to Regular Expressions: Gain a foundational understanding of regular expressions, which are sequences of characters that define search patterns. Regular expressions are powerful tools used for matching strings, extracting data, and performing complex text manipulations.

Key Concepts of Regular Expressions:

  • Basic Syntax: Learn the basic syntax and elements of regular expressions, including literals, metacharacters, and special sequences.
  • Pattern Matching: Understand how to use regular expressions to match specific patterns within text.

Steps to Write Regular Expressions:

Basic Elements:

  • Literals: Characters that match themselves directly.
  • Metacharacters: Special characters with specific meanings (e.g., ., *, ?, +, |, (), [], ^, $).
  • Example: Write a regex to match the word "cat" in a string.

Character Classes:

  • Definition: A set of characters enclosed in square brackets [] that matches any one character within the set.
  • Example: Use [aeiou] to match any vowel in a string.


  • Definition: Specify the number of occurrences of a character or group.
  • Quantifiers: * (0 or more), + (1 or more), ? (0 or 1), {n} (exactly n times), {n,} (n or more times), {n,m} (between n and m times).
  • Example: Use \d{3} to match exactly three digits.


  • Definition: Indicate the position within the string.
  • Anchors: ^ (start of the string), $ (end of the string).
  • Example: Use ^Hello to match "Hello" at the beginning of a string.

Groups and Ranges:

  • Groups: Use parentheses () to group parts of the regex.
  • Ranges: Define a range of characters within a character class, such as [a-z].
  • Example: Use (abc){2} to match "abcabc".

Special Sequences:

  • Common Sequences: \d (digit), \w (word character), \s (whitespace), \b (word boundary).
  • Example: Use \bword\b to match "word" as a whole word.

Example Implementations:

  • Email Validation: Write a regex to validate email addresses.
  • Phone Number Extraction: Create a regex to extract phone numbers from text.
  • URL Matching: Develop a regex to match and extract URLs from a string.

Handling Edge Cases: Tips on managing various edge cases such as:

  • Escaping Metacharacters: Ensure metacharacters are escaped when used as literals (e.g., \. to match a period).
  • Complex Patterns: Break down complex patterns into smaller, manageable parts and combine them using groups and alternation.

Applications and Real-World Use: Discuss real-world applications of regular expressions in fields like data extraction, text processing, input validation, and search algorithms.

By the end of this video, you’ll be well-equipped to write and use regular expressions, enhancing your text processing skills and your ability to solve complex string matching problems.

For a comprehensive guide on how to write regular expressions, including detailed explanations and practical tips, check out our full article at https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/write-regular-expressions/.

This video will not only improve your understanding of regular expressions but also prepare you to implement effective pattern matching and text processing in your programming projects.