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May 08, 2022 |14.7K Views

General Purpose Registers in COA

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In this video, we will be covering what are registers & the various registers in Computer Architecture & Organisation (COA). What are Registers? They are a type of small-sized temporary computer memory that are used to quickly store and transfer data, addresses, and instructions. A processor is composed of a control unit, ALU, and Registers. Registers are of two types: 1) Special purpose registers 2) General Purpose Registers Special Purpose registers: These are special kinds of registers that are designed to perform a specific kind of job. Types of special-purpose registers are Data registers, accumulators, address registers, instruction registers, program counters, temporary registers, input registers, and output registers. General Purpose registers: General purpose registers are additional registers in the processors that are capable of storing both data as well as addresses. These are used to store the temporary data within the microprocessor. Types of general-purpose registers are Accumulator(AX), Base registers(BX), Counter register(CX), Data register(DX), Stack pointer (SP), Base pointer (BP), Source Index register (SI), Destination Index Register (DI).