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May 20, 2024 |930 Views

Difference Between a Fragment and an Activity in Android

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Explore the differences between a Fragment and an Activity in Android with our comprehensive tutorial. This guide is perfect for Android developers, programmers, and anyone interested in mastering the components used for building dynamic and flexible user interfaces in Android applications.

In this tutorial, you'll learn:

Understanding Fragments and Activities: Gain a foundational understanding of what Fragments and Activities are in Android. Both are essential components used to build user interfaces, but they serve different purposes and have distinct characteristics.

Key Differences Between Fragment and Activity:

Definition and Purpose:

  • Activity: An Activity represents a single screen with a user interface. It acts as an entry point for interacting with the user and is responsible for managing the entire lifecycle of the application.
  • Fragment: A Fragment represents a portion of the user interface or behavior within an Activity. Fragments are reusable components that can be combined to create dynamic and flexible UIs.


  • Activity: An Activity has its own lifecycle methods, including onCreate(), onStart(), onResume(), onPause(), onStop(), and onDestroy(). The lifecycle is managed by the Android system.
  • Fragment: A Fragment also has its own lifecycle methods, such as onAttach(), onCreate(), onCreateView(), onActivityCreated(), onStart(), onResume(), onPause(), onStop(), onDestroyView(), onDestroy(), and onDetach(). The lifecycle of a Fragment is closely tied to its parent Activity's lifecycle.

UI Management:

  • Activity: Manages the entire window and typically contains one or more Fragments. It is responsible for handling user input and navigation.
  • Fragment: Manages a part of the user interface within an Activity. Multiple Fragments can be combined within a single Activity to create a multi-pane UI. Fragments can also be added, replaced, or removed during runtime.

Reusability and Modularity:

  • Activity: Activities are less reusable compared to Fragments. Each Activity is generally designed for a specific screen or task.
  • Fragment: Fragments promote reusability and modularity. They can be reused across multiple Activities and even within different parts of the same Activity.


  • Activity: Can directly communicate with other Activities using Intents.
  • Fragment: Communicates with its parent Activity or other Fragments through interfaces or shared ViewModel. Fragments should not communicate directly with each other to maintain modularity.

Back Stack Management:

  • Activity: The Android system manages the back stack for Activities automatically.
  • Fragment: The back stack for Fragments is managed using the FragmentManager and FragmentTransaction. You can add Fragment transactions to the back stack to allow users to navigate back using the back button.

Applications and Real-World Use: Discuss real-world applications of using Fragments and Activities in Android development, such as creating flexible layouts for different screen sizes, building dynamic UIs, and enhancing the reusability of components.

By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a clear understanding of the differences between Fragments and Activities, enhancing your ability to create dynamic, flexible, and modular Android applications.

For a comprehensive guide on the differences between a Fragment and an Activity in Android, including detailed explanations and practical tips, check out our full article at https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/difference-between-a-fragment-and-an-activity-in-android/.

This tutorial will not only improve your understanding of Android components but also prepare you to implement better architecture in your mobile development projects.