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August 26, 2024 |60 Views

Create a Splash Screen in Android

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Android: Creating a Splash Screen

Are you looking to implement a splash screen in your Android app? In this video, we’ll guide you through the process of creating a splash screen for your Android application. A splash screen is a great way to display your app’s logo or a loading screen before the main content appears, making the user experience more engaging and professional. This tutorial is ideal for developers of all levels who want to enhance their app’s first impression.

Introduction to Splash Screens in Android

A splash screen is typically the first screen that users see when they launch an app. It serves as an introduction to the app and can display branding elements like logos, taglines, or loading animations while the app prepares its main interface. In this video, you will learn how to create a simple and effective splash screen using Android’s built-in features.

Why Implement a Splash Screen?

A splash screen is useful for:

  • Branding your app with a professional touch
  • Providing a smooth transition while loading data or initializing resources
  • Enhancing the overall user experience with a visually appealing introduction

Setting Up the Project

Before diving into the implementation, ensure your Android Studio project is ready. We’ll cover:

  • Creating a new Android project
  • Setting up the layout and themes for the splash screen
  • Adding your app’s logo or brand assets

Creating the Splash Screen Layout

The first step in building the splash screen is designing its layout. Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • Defining the splash screen layout in XML
  • Adding a logo, background color, and any additional branding elements
  • Styling the layout for different screen sizes and orientations

Defining the Layout in XML

We’ll start by creating a dedicated layout file for the splash screen. This layout typically consists of an ImageView for the logo and optional TextViews for a tagline or app name.

Configuring the Splash Screen in Android

Next, we’ll dive into the code to set up the splash screen. This involves:

  • Modifying the styles.xml file to define the splash screen theme
  • Implementing the splash screen logic in the MainActivity or a dedicated SplashActivity
  • Adding a delay or loading animation before transitioning to the main activity

Implementing the Splash Screen Logic

We’ll show you how to implement the logic for displaying the splash screen using a Handler or Coroutine in Kotlin. The splash screen will be displayed for a few seconds before navigating to the main activity.

Transitioning from the Splash Screen to the Main Activity

To provide a seamless user experience, we’ll cover how to:

  • Use an intent to navigate from the splash screen to the main activity
  • Add fade or slide animations for a smooth transition
  • Handle the splash screen in a way that doesn’t impact the app’s performance

Best Practices for Splash Screens

While splash screens are visually appealing, it’s important to follow best practices, such as:

  • Keeping the display time short to avoid user frustration
  • Ensuring the splash screen loads quickly and doesn’t cause delays
  • Avoiding heavy operations during the splash screen display


By the end of this video, you’ll have a fully functional splash screen that adds a professional touch to your Android app. This feature is easy to implement and significantly improves the user experience by providing a polished introduction to your app. Whether you’re launching a new app or updating an existing one, adding a splash screen is a great way to make a strong first impression.

For a detailed step-by-step guide, check out the full article: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/android-creating-a-splash-screen/.