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August 20, 2024 |50 Views

Create a Hoverable Side Navigation with HTML, CSS and JavaScript


Create a Hoverable Side Navigation with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

A hoverable side navigation menu is a stylish and user-friendly navigation component that reveals additional menu options when the user hovers over it. This type of side navigation is commonly used in modern websites to create a sleek interface while saving screen space.

Project Overview

In this project, you will create a side navigation menu that:

  • Remains minimized by default, showing only icons or a narrow strip.
  • Expands smoothly to reveal menu options when the user hovers over it.
  • Collapses back to its original minimized state when the user moves the mouse away.

Key Concepts Covered

  • HTML Structure: Setting up the basic HTML layout for the side navigation bar and the main content area.
  • CSS Styling: Styling the navigation bar for both the collapsed and expanded states. Use CSS transitions to create a smooth hover effect.
  • JavaScript Enhancements: Optionally, you can add more interactivity with JavaScript, such as toggling the navigation bar when clicked.

Steps to Create the Hoverable Side Navigation

HTML Structure:

  • Create a simple HTML layout that includes:
    • A div for the side navigation bar.
    • Navigation links (like Home, About, Contact) inside the side navigation.
    • A main content area next to the side navigation bar.
  • Use ul and li elements to structure the menu items neatly.

CSS Styling:

  • Style the side navigation bar to be positioned on the left side of the screen with a fixed width when collapsed.
  • Use CSS transitions to make the width expand smoothly when the user hovers over the navigation bar.
  • Customize the colors, fonts, and icons to match your website’s design.

Add Menu Items:

  • Populate the navigation bar with icons and text for each menu item. The text should be hidden in the collapsed state and revealed when expanded.
  • Use display: none or visibility: hidden for the text when the side navigation is collapsed, and make it visible when expanded.

JavaScript Enhancements (Optional):

  • Although the hover effect can be achieved purely with CSS, you can add JavaScript to control the behavior, such as toggling the navigation bar on click or adding animations.

Responsive Design:

  • Ensure that the navigation menu is responsive. On smaller screens, you might want to make the side navigation fully collapsible or adjust its behavior for mobile devices.

Example Use Cases

  • Admin Dashboards: A hoverable side navigation is ideal for admin panels where you need quick access to various sections while keeping the interface clean.
  • E-Commerce Websites: Use this type of navigation for category menus that expand to show more details when hovered over.

Applications and Extensions

  • Dynamic Menu Items: Add dropdown sub-menus that appear when hovering over certain menu items.
  • Icons and Animations: Enhance the side navigation with icons and subtle animations to improve user interaction.
  • Toggle Button: Include a toggle button that allows users to manually expand or collapse the menu, giving them more control over the interface.


Creating a hoverable side navigation bar using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is a practical way to improve the user experience by offering an intuitive and space-saving navigation solution. The project involves styling with CSS to achieve smooth transitions and interactivity, making it an excellent exercise for those looking to enhance their web design skills.

For a detailed step-by-step guide, check out the full article: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/create-a-hoverable-side-navigation-with-html-css-and-javascript/.