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August 25, 2022 |530 Views

C++ Program to Print Triangular Patterns of Alphabets


In this video, we will write a C++ program to print triangular patterns of alphabets using for loop. 

We will be printing various alphabetic pattern pyramid: 
1) Left half pyramid 
2) Reverse left pyramid 
3) Complete pyramid
4) Reverse complete pyramid 
5) Right half pyramid 
6) Reverse right half pyramid 
7) Different ordering of alphabets +edge case. 

Step 1: Initialization of variables. 
Step 1.1: Create variables in memory holding rows and columns. 
Step 1.2: Create and initialize variable holding patterns or values to be displayed. 

Step 2. Traversing over rows and columns using nested for loops. 
Step 2.1: Outer loop for rows. 
Step 2.2: Inner loop for columns in the current row. 

Step 3: Dealing with variable holding dynamic values as per execution as initialized outside nested loops. 
Step 3.1: If values are to be displayed, increment this variable inside the loop for rows and outside loop for columns. 
Step 3.2: If patterns are to be displayed, assign the character outside loop while creation and no alternation of holder value in any of loops. 

Program for triangular patterns of alphabets