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September 05, 2024 |10 Views

Covid-19 Analysis and Visualization using Plotly Express

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COVID-19 Analysis and Visualization Using Plotly Express

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of data analysis and visualization in understanding and managing public health crises. Visualizing COVID-19 data helps identify trends, track the spread of the virus, and communicate insights effectively. Plotly Express, a high-level data visualization library in Python, provides powerful and easy-to-use tools for creating interactive plots and dashboards, making it ideal for analyzing COVID-19 data. In this guide, we will explore how to use Plotly Express to analyze and visualize COVID-19 data, focusing on key steps, techniques, and best practices.

Why Use Plotly Express for COVID-19 Analysis?

Plotly Express is designed for quick and intuitive data visualization, offering a streamlined interface for creating a wide range of plots, from line charts to geo maps. It is particularly useful for COVID-19 analysis due to:

  • Interactivity: Allows users to interact with visualizations, such as zooming, panning, and hovering, to gain deeper insights.
  • Ease of Use: Provides a high-level API that simplifies the process of creating complex visualizations with minimal code.
  • Integration with Pandas: Works seamlessly with Pandas DataFrames, making it easy to manipulate and visualize data directly from popular data formats like CSV and JSON.
  • Built-in Geographic Mapping: Offers built-in support for creating geographic maps, which are essential for tracking COVID-19 cases by location.

Steps for COVID-19 Analysis and Visualization Using Plotly Express

Step 1: Install and Import Necessary Libraries

To get started, ensure you have Plotly and Pandas installed. You can install them using pip:


pip install plotly pandas

Next, import the necessary libraries in your Python script:


import pandas as pd import plotly.express as px

Step 2: Load COVID-19 Data

You will need a dataset containing COVID-19 data, such as confirmed cases, deaths, recoveries, and dates. Many public sources, like Johns Hopkins University or government health websites, provide daily updated data.

Example of loading data from a CSV file:


# Load COVID-19 data url = 'https://example.com/covid19_data.csv'  # Replace with your data source URL covid_data = pd.read_csv(url)

Ensure that your dataset includes key columns such as Date, Country, Confirmed, Deaths, and Recovered.

Step 3: Clean and Preprocess the Data

Before visualizing, it's important to clean and preprocess the data. This might include handling missing values, converting date formats, or aggregating data by regions or time periods.

Example of preprocessing steps:


# Convert date column to datetime format covid_data['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(covid_data['Date']) # Fill missing values with zeros covid_data.fillna(0, inplace=True) # Aggregate data by date and country if necessary covid_aggregated = covid_data.groupby(['Date', 'Country']).sum().reset_index()

Step 4: Create Visualizations with Plotly Express

Plotly Express allows you to create a variety of visualizations, such as line charts, bar charts, and maps, to explore COVID-19 trends. Here are some common types of visualizations for COVID-19 data:

Line Chart for Time Series Analysis

A line chart is useful for visualizing the progression of cases, deaths, or recoveries over time.


# Line chart of confirmed cases over time for a specific country fig = px.line(covid_aggregated[covid_aggregated['Country'] == 'India'],              x='Date', y='Confirmed',              title='COVID-19 Confirmed Cases in India Over Time',              labels={'Confirmed': 'Confirmed Cases', 'Date': 'Date'}) fig.show()

Bar Chart for Comparing Data

A bar chart can compare COVID-19 statistics across countries or regions on a specific date.


# Bar chart of confirmed cases by country on a specific date latest_data = covid_aggregated[covid_aggregated['Date'] == covid_aggregated['Date'].max()] fig = px.bar(latest_data, x='Country', y='Confirmed',             title='COVID-19 Confirmed Cases by Country',             labels={'Confirmed': 'Confirmed Cases', 'Country': 'Country'}) fig.show()

Choropleth Map for Geographic Analysis

Choropleth maps are great for visualizing the geographic spread of COVID-19, showing how cases vary by country or region.


# Choropleth map showing confirmed cases by country fig = px.choropleth(latest_data,                    locations='Country', locationmode='country names',                    color='Confirmed',                    title='Global COVID-19 Confirmed Cases',                    color_continuous_scale=px.colors.sequential.Plasma) fig.show()

Scatter Plot for Detailed Comparisons

Scatter plots can compare multiple variables, such as confirmed cases vs. deaths, providing insights into relationships between different metrics.


# Scatter plot of confirmed cases vs. deaths by country fig = px.scatter(latest_data, x='Confirmed', y='Deaths',                 size='Confirmed', color='Country',                 title='Confirmed Cases vs. Deaths by Country',                 labels={'Confirmed': 'Confirmed Cases', 'Deaths': 'Deaths'}) fig.show()

Step 5: Enhance and Customize Visualizations

Plotly Express allows extensive customization, such as adjusting colors, adding labels, and configuring interactive features. Customize your plots to make them more informative and visually appealing.

Example of adding customizations:


# Customizing a line chart with additional styling fig = px.line(covid_aggregated[covid_aggregated['Country'] == 'India'],              x='Date', y='Confirmed',              title='COVID-19 Confirmed Cases in India Over Time',              labels={'Confirmed': 'Confirmed Cases', 'Date': 'Date'},              template='plotly_dark')  # Using a dark theme fig.update_traces(line=dict(color='cyan', width=2))  # Custom line color and width fig.update_layout(title_font_size=24)  # Adjust title font size fig.show()

Best Practices for COVID-19 Data Visualization

  • Use Interactive Elements: Leverage Plotly's interactive capabilities, such as tooltips, zoom, and filters, to make the data more accessible and engaging.
  • Highlight Key Insights: Use annotations, markers, or callouts to draw attention to significant trends or events in the data, such as peaks in cases or the impact of interventions.
  • Keep Visualizations Updated: COVID-19 data changes rapidly, so ensure your visualizations reflect the latest information by regularly updating the data source.
  • Ensure Clarity: Use clear titles, labels, and legends to help viewers understand what the data represents. Avoid cluttering visuals with too much information.

Practical Applications

  • Public Health Dashboards: Create interactive dashboards that track COVID-19 metrics, allowing users to explore data by region, time, or specific variables.
  • Research and Analysis: Use visualizations to support research papers, presentations, or reports on the spread and impact of COVID-19.
  • Public Awareness: Inform the public by sharing visualizations on social media or websites to provide clear, up-to-date insights into the pandemic.


Analyzing and visualizing COVID-19 data using Plotly Express enables a deeper understanding of the pandemic’s dynamics and helps communicate critical insights effectively. By creating interactive and visually appealing plots, you can explore trends, identify patterns, and make data-driven decisions. Whether you are a researcher, data analyst, or public health professional, Plotly Express offers the tools you need to turn COVID-19 data into actionable visual insights.

For a more detailed guide and additional examples, check out the full article: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/covid-19-analysis-and-visualization-using-plotly-express/.