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July 26, 2022 |9.7K Views

Codd's Rule in DBMS

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In this video, we will be discussing Codd's rules in DBMS.

What are Codd's Rules?
Codd rules were given by E.F. Codd. These rules should be followed by relational table. Each relational table must follow each of the twelve rules given by E.F Codd. These rules are the basic building blocks of relational database, if these protocols are followed while designing the relational table during formation o fa relational database, then the resulting database would be efficient, optimized and have integrity, and will satisfy all the basic requirements of a relational database. There is a Foundation Rule, it says that the system should be able to manage database completely through relational capabilities, and it should be in tabular form. 

Codd's Rules:

1) Information Rule: Database stores different informations, and this information must be in a value of some rows or columns of the table. 
2) Guaranteed Access Rule: In any relation undividable data must be accessible by the combination of corresponding relation name, primary key and name of corresponding attribute. 
3) Systematic treatment of NULL values: Value of Primary key attributes can never be NULL, NULL value in database is missing, unknown, not applicable or inappropriate values. 
4) Active Online Catalog: Database structure must be accessible by authorized users using queries. For this reason those databases must be stored in an online catalog. 
5) Comprehensive Data Sublanguage Rule: If we want to access a database by a language supported for definition, manipulation and transaction management operation. 
6) View Updating Rule: The system should be able to automatically update multiple views developed for diverse objectives. 
Insert, update and delete rule at Higher level: At each level of relations, the relational model should follow insert, delete, update, and other activities. Set operations must be supported as well. 
7) Physical data independence: Any change in the physical location of a table should not impose modification at user view or application level. 
8) Logical data independence: Any change in the logical data schema of a relation should not impose modification at application level. 
9) Integrity Independence: Integrity constraints modified at lower level that is at the level of database should not impose change in application level. 
10) Distribution Independence: A database that must function effectively even if it is stored in several places and is utilized by multiple end users 
11) Non-Subversion Rule: Low level access to data should not be able to bypass integrity rule to change data.

Watch this video till the end to understand these rules in detail with the help of examples

Introduction of Relational Model and Codd Rules in DBMS