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September 05, 2022 |2.0K Views

Central Limit Theorem (CLT) in Machine Learning

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In this video, we will learn about Central Limit Theorem also known as CLT. This is a very important concept from the interview point of view as well as it has many applications while analysing a dataset.

Different types of distribution that a variable can follow are:

  1. Bernoulli Distribution
  2. Poisson Distribution
  3. Normal/Gaussian Distribution
  4. Binomial Distribution

Many real life situation follows normal distribution like volatility in the stock market, birth weight, heights, blood pressure. In a normal distribution the three main central tendencies that is mean, mode and median all three are equal.

Standard normal form of a normal distribution is a normal distribution with mean equal to zero and the standard deviation is equal to 1, which is obtained by Z - transform value.

Central limit theorem Formula:

Python – Central Limit Theorem