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June 21, 2022 |16.1K Views

C++ Program to Generate Multiplication Table


In this video we will see, a C++ program to generate the multiplication of a table.

Here we will see three different methods for this task:

1. Basic approach (using for loop)
2. Variation method (using “+” operator)
3. Recursive approach

To generate the multiplication table, the program will first loop through the range of 1 to 10. It will then call the function that we created to generate the multiplication table. The function will use the value of the local variable to generate the corresponding row and column in the multiplication table.

The program will then output the string that corresponds to the row and column that the function generated.

Next, the method uses the “+” operator to generate a multiplication of the table for any number. And in the last method, we will create a recursive function to generate the multiplication table. This function will take as input the local variable and the number that we are multiplying. The function will then return a string that corresponds to the multiplication table that we want to generate.

Program to Print Multiplication Table of a Number: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/program-to-print-multiplication-table-of-a-number/
Recursive Program to Print Multiplication Table of a Number: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/recursive-program-to-print-multiplication-table-of-a-number/