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June 24, 2022 |63.5K Views

C Program to Check Palindrome Number

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In this video, we will see a C program to check whether a number is a palindrome or not. Here we use a loop and conditional statements to check whether a given number is palindrome or not. Basically, A number is said to be palindrome if the reverse of the number is the same as the original number.

For examples:
Input: S = “151”
Output: Yes

Explanation: The reverse of the given number is equal to the (151) which is equal to the given number. Therefore, the given number is a palindrome.

Now take another number as input: S = “987”
Output: No

Explanation: The reverse of the given number is equal to the (789) which is not equal to the given number. Therefore, the given number is not a palindrome.

C Program to Check Palindrome Number : https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/c-program-to-check-whether-a-number-is-a-palindrome-or-not/