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September 24, 2024 |60 Views

Algorithm and Code for Bipartite Graph


Bipartite Graph | A Comprehensive Guide

In this guide, we’ll explore the concept of a bipartite graph, a fundamental structure in graph theory used in various real-world applications such as matching problems, scheduling, and network flow. Bipartite graphs can be easily recognized by their unique properties and are widely used in algorithms to optimize different types of computations. By the end of this guide, you’ll understand what a bipartite graph is, its key properties, how to identify it, and its applications.

What is a Bipartite Graph?

A bipartite graph is a graph in which the set of vertices can be divided into two disjoint sets, such that no two vertices within the same set are adjacent. In other words, edges only connect vertices from one set to the other set, and there are no edges between vertices within the same set.

Formal Definition:

A graph G=(V,E)G = (V, E)G=(V,E) is bipartite if its vertex set VVV can be divided into two disjoint sets UUU and WWW, such that every edge in EEE connects a vertex in UUU with a vertex in WWW.


Consider the following bipartite graph:


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Set U = {1, 2, 3} Set W = {A, B, C} Edges: (1, A), (2, B), (3, C)

In this graph, vertices in Set UUU only connect to vertices in Set WWW, with no edges between vertices in Set UUU or Set WWW.

Key Properties of Bipartite Graphs:

Two Disjoint Sets:

  • The vertices are divided into two disjoint sets UUU and WWW, with edges only between these sets.

No Odd-Length Cycles:

  • A graph is bipartite if and only if it contains no odd-length cycles. If a graph has an odd-length cycle, it cannot be bipartite.


  • Bipartite graphs can be colored with two colors such that no two adjacent vertices share the same color. This property is a result of the two-set structure of bipartite graphs, where one color can be assigned to vertices in one set and the other color to the vertices in the second set.

Maximum Matching:

  • Bipartite graphs are particularly useful in solving maximum matching problems, where you aim to find the largest possible set of edges that match vertices between the two sets.

How to Check if a Graph is Bipartite:

There are multiple ways to determine whether a given graph is bipartite:

1. Breadth-First Search (BFS) or Depth-First Search (DFS):

  • To check if a graph is bipartite, you can use BFS or DFS to try and 2-color the graph. Start from any vertex, assign it one color, and assign its adjacent vertices the opposite color. Continue this process, and if any two adjacent vertices end up with the same color, the graph is not bipartite.

2. Cycle Detection:

  • As bipartite graphs do not contain odd-length cycles, checking whether a graph contains any odd-length cycles is another method to determine if the graph is bipartite. If such a cycle is found, the graph is not bipartite.

Applications of Bipartite Graphs:

Matching Problems:

  • Bipartite graphs are used in job assignment problems, where one set of vertices represents workers and the other set represents jobs. Edges connect workers to jobs they are qualified for, and the goal is to maximize the number of jobs assigned.

Scheduling and Task Assignment:

  • In scheduling tasks or assigning resources, bipartite graphs help model the relationship between tasks and available resources, ensuring optimal assignments.

Recommendation Systems:

  • In recommendation systems, bipartite graphs model relationships between users and items (e.g., movies, books). An edge represents an interaction (e.g., a user rating a movie), and recommendations are generated based on these connections.

Network Flow Problems:

  • Bipartite graphs are also used in network flow algorithms, particularly in solving problems like the maximum flow problem, where the goal is to maximize the flow through a network by finding the best matching.

Real-World Example:

One of the most common uses of bipartite graphs is in job assignment:

  • One set of vertices represents workers, and the other set represents jobs.
  • An edge between a worker and a job indicates that the worker is qualified for that job.
  • The problem becomes finding the optimal way to assign workers to jobs, such that the maximum number of jobs is filled, without assigning more than one job to a worker.

Why Learn About Bipartite Graphs?

Bipartite graphs are essential in solving a variety of problems, from matching jobs to workers to generating recommendations in e-commerce systems. They form the backbone of several important algorithms used in both theoretical computer science and real-world applications. Understanding bipartite graphs and how to check for them helps you approach and solve problems related to optimization, matching, and flow more efficiently.

Topics Covered:

Definition and Properties of Bipartite Graphs: Learn the characteristics that make a graph bipartite, including 2-colorability and the absence of odd-length cycles.

Checking for Bipartiteness: Understand how to use BFS or DFS to determine if a graph is bipartite and why detecting odd-length cycles is important.

Applications: Discover real-world problems and use cases where bipartite graphs are essential, such as in job assignments, recommendation systems, and network flow.

For more details and a deeper understanding, check out the full article on GeeksforGeeks: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/bipartite-graph/.