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May 08, 2024 |100 Views

Automorphic Number | DSA Problem


Dive into the intriguing world of automorphic numbers with our comprehensive programming tutorial. This video is designed for math enthusiasts, computer science students, and programmers interested in number theory and its applications in computational problems.

In this tutorial, you'll learn:

  • What an automorphic number is and its unique properties, where the number's square ends in the number itself.
  • Detailed explanations on how to identify automorphic numbers, which is a fascinating topic in mathematical puzzles and number theory.
  • Step-by-step coding demonstrations that show you how to write programs to check if a number is automorphic, using various algorithmic approaches.
  • Practical examples and challenges to test your understanding and skills, ensuring you can implement these concepts effectively in any programming language.
  • Optimization tips for making your code more efficient and effective, especially when dealing with large numbers or extensive computations.

By the end of this video, you’ll not only understand the concept of automorphic numbers but also be proficient in coding solutions to find them, enhancing both your mathematical and programming knowledge.

For an in-depth exploration of this topic, including code snippets and further discussion on the mathematical background, be sure to visit our full article: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/automorphic-number/