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October 28, 2022 |7.7K Views

Area Sub Division Algorithm in Computer Graphics

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In this video, we will be discussing one of the algorithms of computer graphics - The area subdivision algorithm. 
Area subdivision is an image space method but it uses object space calculations for the re-ordering of surfaces based on depth.

It is based on the divide and conquers method where the viewing area is divided into smaller and smaller rectangles till the simplified area is detected or until each small area is the projection of part of a single visible surface. 

If we subdivide the panel against the polygon, the following cases will come across:

Surrounding Surfaces: Here the viewing polygon surface completely surrounds the whole window panel.no surface at.

Overlapping Surfaces: Here the window panel and viewing polygon surface both intersect each other.

Inside (Contained) Surfaces: Here the whole polygon surface is inscribed inside the window panel. It is just opposite to the surrounding case.

Outside (Disjoint) Surfaces: Here the whole polygon surface is completely outside the window panel.

Watch the video to understand the area subdivision algorithm in detail
