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August 26, 2024 |50 Views

Android - Login and Logout Using Shared Preferences in Kotlin

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Android Login and Logout Using Shared Preferences in Kotlin

Are you looking to implement a secure and efficient login and logout functionality in your Android app using Kotlin? In this video, we’ll guide you step-by-step through creating a login and logout system using Shared Preferences in Kotlin. This is a perfect solution for apps that need to store user session data locally and manage user authentication without a backend.

Introduction to Shared Preferences in Android

Shared Preferences is a lightweight data storage mechanism in Android, allowing you to store and retrieve key-value pairs. It is ideal for storing small amounts of data, such as user login status, preferences, and settings. In this tutorial, we’ll use Shared Preferences to manage user login and logout, keeping track of whether the user is logged in or out.

Setting Up the Project in Kotlin

Before diving into the implementation, ensure you have a basic understanding of Android development with Kotlin. We’ll cover the following:

  • Setting up a new Android project in Android Studio
  • Creating the necessary UI elements like EditTexts for username and password, and Buttons for login and logout
  • Configuring the project’s structure for implementing Shared Preferences

Implementing the Login Functionality

The first step is to implement the login functionality. Here’s what we’ll do:

  • Capturing the user input from EditText fields
  • Validating the input data (username and password)
  • Saving the login status in Shared Preferences upon successful validation

Capturing User Input and Validating

We’ll show you how to capture the user’s input from the EditText fields and validate it. This includes checking for empty fields and ensuring the correct format for the username and password.

Storing Login Status in Shared Preferences

Once the validation is successful, we’ll store the user’s login status in Shared Preferences. This stored data will be used to keep the user logged in even after closing the app.

Implementing the Logout Functionality

Next, we’ll implement the logout functionality. This involves:

  • Clearing the stored login data in Shared Preferences
  • Redirecting the user back to the login screen after logout

Clearing Shared Preferences

You’ll learn how to clear or update the data stored in Shared Preferences, effectively logging the user out of the application. We’ll also show how to handle the redirection to the login screen after logout.

Checking User Login Status on App Start

One of the key aspects of managing user sessions is checking if the user is already logged in when the app starts. We’ll cover how to:

  • Check the login status in Shared Preferences when the app launches
  • Automatically redirect logged-in users to the home screen or dashboard
  • Display the login screen only if the user is not logged in


By the end of this video, you’ll have a fully functional login and logout system in your Android app using Shared Preferences in Kotlin. This setup is ideal for applications that require user authentication and session management without relying on a backend. You’ll gain a deeper understanding of how Shared Preferences work and how to leverage them for simple, yet effective, user management.

For a detailed step-by-step guide, check out the full article: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/android-login-and-logout-using-shared-preferences-in-kotlin/.